
Why Do You Need To Use Skirting Boards?

Skirting boards are boards that run lengthways along the edge between the floor and the interior wall. These boards cover the uneven edges and avoid scratches that different kinds of furniture habitually make and give every room a nice finish. Due to the modern ideas that are prevalent in the sphere of interior design, various kinds of skirting boards, as well as designs, are obtainable. A few skirting boards that people use are pencil skirting, metal skirting, wooden skirting, etc.

Using rebated skirting boards for hiding pipes

Based on how your house has been built, you wouldn’t love it if the central heating pipes remained visible. It seems a tough task to paint this kind of pipework as the paintbrush refuses to go down the pipe’s back. It seems into a genuine issue when people try to paint the pipes in the walls’ contrasting colors. Again, people fail to apply wallpaper to these walls, too, as pipe clips hinder the work, so extra cuts are made in the paper so that they can navigate around the hindrances. In this condition, people prefer to use a pipe covering skirting board.

Boxing in

The most prevalent process to hide pipework is regarded as boxing in. Here, a box is constructed around the pipework. People have instances of boxing all through their homes, most probably in a bathroom or kitchen, and in these places, this solution seems to be prevalent. Pipe boxing turns into the finest option for people when their pipes are large and big, and then the skirting boards cover them. Another important benefit of boxing is it does not allow the pipework to be seen, and it ends in lesser cluttered feeling in the interiors.

A skirting board having a pipe rebate

When you get to reliable companies, you will find these companies to be manufacturing many kinds of skirting boards where you can include a pipe rebate. This is a little recessed channel that is made into the skirting board’s back. The chief benefit of this process is it does not become visible and also blends with the room well. This solution is also comparatively inexpensive and needs lesser work compared to boxing in.

Need for skirting

Skirting is added to projects as it beautifies them, and for some, this seems to be a process for hiding the undesired features present in the interior walls. All the skirting boards are called mop boards, and they shield the walls from water if the floor is mopped. Skirting boards are created from various materials that, include plaster, MDF, wood, PVC, etc. Every component is found with its pros and cons like ease of installation, durability, price, etc.

Buy confidently

As pipes are found in various sizes and various placement heights, at times, people find the 40mm pipe rebate inadequate for them. So, they need to buy a pipe covering skirting board that would accommodate the present skirting boards as well as the pipes that they need to hide.